certified electronic tool KDV

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AK JUDr. Lubomír Minařík

EA / contracts / contracts with EA
ID / Number:
EA / contracts / contracts with EA
ID Name of the contract / Title Stav Action
1011645132 Prodej souboru pohledávek VNOL – 1011645132 Terminated receipt of offers
5585569990 Prodej souboru pohledávek VNOL – 5585569990 Terminated receipt of offers
6422487073 Prodej souboru pohledávek VNOL – 02 2017 VNOL 6422487073 Terminated receipt of offers
1862900676 Prodej souboru pohledávek VNOL – 01 2017 VNOL 1862900676 Terminated receipt of offers
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