ID of the contract in elec. tool:
Name of the contract:
Dodávky v rámci systému pro separaci KO a bioodpadu v rámci DOS Hanácký venkov
Procedure of awarding public contract:
Procurement procedure
Type by estimated value:
Limit public contract in accordance with § 25 of Act no. 134/2016 Coll.
Main subject of PC:
Type / specification of the tender procedure:
Open procedure
The basic evaluation criterion:
Lowest price
URL address of the contracting authority profile:
Registration number of the contracting authority profile:
Registration number of the Public procurement portal:
Date of start receiving offers:
6. 5. 2021 v 14:00
Date of end receiving offers:
3. 6. 2021 v 10:00
Dates of opening of offers:
3. 6. 2021 v 10:00