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Basic information about a public contract

Informations about contracting authority

Name of the contract / Title: Technická podpora
Address: neuvedena Náměstí
553 00 Brno
Contact: Show contact



The contracting authority:
Technická podpora
Miroslav Šimek

Status of contract

Konec příjmu žádostí o účast

Information about the contract

ID of the contract in elec. tool: 3348609032
Name of the contract: test 30.1.2019
Procedure of awarding public contract: Procurement procedure
Type by estimated value: Limit public contract in accordance with § 25 of Act no. 134/2016 Coll.
Main subject of PC: Construction work
Type / specification of the tender procedure: Restricted procedure
Estimated value of contract: 1 000 000 Kč excluding VAT
Date for starting receiving žádostí o účast: 30. 1. 2019 at 14:45
End date of receiving žádostí o účast: 30. 1. 2019 at 14:50

Object of contract

test 30.1.2019

Object of contract


test 30.1.2019


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HOTLINE: +420 775 404 045, +420 775 404 046, E-MAIL: podpora@kdv.cz
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