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Město Kunovice

Basic information about a public contract

Informations about contracting authority

Name of the contract / Title: Město Kunovice
Address: náměstí Svobody 361
686 04 Kunovice
Contact: Show contact



The contracting authority:
Město Kunovice
Petra Vašíčková

Representative of the contracting authority:
IS Projekt
Ivana Sušilová
777 752 985

Status of contract


Contract was closed by the contracting authority.

Information about the contract

ID of the contract in elec. tool: 9618398426
Name of the contract: Rekonstrukce sportovního areálu ZŠ U Pálenice
Procedure of awarding public contract: Procurement procedure
Type by estimated value: Under limited public contract in accordance with § 26 of Act no. 134/2016 Coll.
Main subject of PC: Construction work
Type / specification of the tender procedure: Simplified below the limit procedure
The basic evaluation criterion: Lowest price
URL address of the contracting authority profile: https://www.kdv.cz/profil.php?ic=00567892
Registration number of the contracting authority profile: 486865
Date of start receiving offers: 22. 12. 2020 v 11:15
Date of end receiving offers: 12. 1. 2021 v 10:00
Dates of opening of offers: 12. 1. 2021 v 10:15

Object of contract

Předmětem veřejné zakázky je modernizace stávajícího hřiště.

Object of contract


Předmětem veřejné zakázky je modernizace stávajícího hřiště.


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