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Basic information about a public contract

Informations about contracting authority

Name of the contract / Title: obec Želechovice
Address: Želechovice
783 91 Želechovice
Contact: Show contact



The contracting authority:
obec Želechovice
Antonín Hampl

Status of contract

Evaluation of offers

Receipt of offers was terminated. Offers are being evaluated.

Information about the contract

ID of the contract in elec. tool: 0799225623
Name of the contract: oprava kaple
Procedure of awarding public contract: Procurement procedure
Type by estimated value: neuveden
Type: Construction work
The basic evaluation criterion: Lowest price
Date of start receiving offers: 29. 8. 2012 v 16:15
Date of end receiving offers: 28. 9. 2012 v 17:00
Date of opening the envelopes: 30. 9. 2012 v 18:00

Object of contract

viz. oficiální web obce Želechovice

Object of contract


viz. oficiální web obce Želechovice


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