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Basic information about a public contract

Informations about contracting authority

Name of the contract / Title: Skládka Bystřice, s.r.o.
Address: Cihelna 1600
768 61 Bystřice pod Hostýnem
Contact: Show contact



The contracting authority:
Skládka Bystřice, s.r.o.
Libor Malůšek

Representative of the contracting authority:
Libor Malůšek
Libor Malůšek

Status of contract

Terminated receipt of offers

Receipt of offers was terminated. Offers are being evaluated.

Information about the contract

ID of the contract in elec. tool: 6425293078
Name of the contract: Zlepšení systému nakládání s odpady III.
Procedure of awarding public contract: Procurement procedure
Type by estimated value: Under limited public contract in accordance with § 26 of Act no. 134/2016 Coll.
Main subject of PC: Supplies
Type / specification of the tender procedure: Simplified below the limit procedure
Estimated value of contract: 5 500 000 Kč excluding VAT
The basic evaluation criterion: The economic advantageousness
URL address of the contracting authority profile: https://www.vhodne-uverejneni.cz/profil/a-s-a-skladka-bystrice-s-r-o
Date of start receiving offers: 3. 5. 2023 v 15:00
Date of end receiving offers: 30. 5. 2023 v 9:00
Dates of opening of offers: 30. 5. 2023 v 9:00

Object of contract

Předmětem zakázky je dodávka hákového nosiče kontejnerů vč. 5 ks kontejnerů a také kontejnerového přívěsu.

Object of contract


Předmětem zakázky je dodávka hákového nosiče kontejnerů vč. 5 ks kontejnerů a také kontejnerového přívěsu.


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